Well this one came out of the blue tonight when I was thinking back on a friend's trials lately. I will not tell this person's story as it's not mine to tell. However, it once again reminded me how so many people in the virtual world act without conscience. How those who are gentle, loving, and kind get crushed beneath the shoes of those who twist, turn, and confuse others and bend them to serve their purpose, discarding them as trash when they are finished with their game.

This piece symbolizes the moment in which that break occurs. It's painful, devastating, and, to some, debilitating for ages.

Twisted fury

Accumulation of eclectic attire
Demolished glass
Scattered stationary

I cannot maintain a blind eye
I cannot continue to extend my grasp 
   into the alien depths of a darkness, 
   not knowing what creature might take hold
This emotional rainstorm must cease

Jumbled musings
Mutilated images
Tear stained messages

I am unable to endure
I cannot continue these futile attempts
   to metamorphose my very being
   into a servant bowing to your will
The personal onslaught must cease

And into the black hole I withdraw
Pressing my lips to the umbra, I inhale


Twisting my form into the corner
The glimmer begins to fade


Beneath your distorted thoughts and deceiving eyes
My distorted figure falls to the ground

And you burn

©2011 Kis (aka. Crys, D)


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This is my little corner to share with you whatever I feel at the moment I sit down at my keyboard to write. I simply ask for all to read with an open mind and a gentle heart. All worlds collide for a reason.


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