In the background: ToDieFor ~ "Silence Tells More"

I have a lot on my mind to write, but it is all so scrambled that I can't decide which way to go. So I thought instead of my normal rambling, tonight I would leave you all with a poem I have previously written. I do, however, want to give you all a little background as most of you do not know a lot about me. This will help with the piece.

Without going too far into detail and going off on a tangent, I am a submissive. To me, being a sub is different than being a slave, a pet, a toy. I will catch you all up one day on how I came into the world of D/s, but it's an involved story and not one I want to present this evening to you all. I do identify with the switch side, as I can and have been Dominant with a few, but never on a permanent basis. There are so many misconceptions that come to the minds of people when they here you are involved in the lifestyle, you are a sub, you are a Dom(me). From time to time I will hit on these in my blog, but I ask you all to understand what I present to you has developed from the way I was taught as well as the role I felt was pertinent for me.

I have a very dear friend who I have linked to on my page. His blog, at the moment, mostly discusses his SLife as a submissive. If you wish to know more, I strongly urge you to follow along with him as well.

As I stated, you will learn more about my standing and my beliefs surrounding my D/s relationships as we go on, but for now, I wish to share with you a brief poem.


Leather and stainless steel
Caress the tender skin

My throat gently cuddled
Inside the tender brown

I hear the gentle click
Of steel upon ring

Hazel eyes open
To your gentle smile

Heart beating faster
As you softly tug

Pulling me closer
Strong arms around skin

A tender kiss
Upon my forehead

Heart fluttering
As you speak my name

Finally home
As I call you Master

Thank you all for reading and giving me positive feedback. It really does mean a great deal to me. Enjoy and I will have more for you soon.

~ Kis


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About My Blog

This is my little corner to share with you whatever I feel at the moment I sit down at my keyboard to write. I simply ask for all to read with an open mind and a gentle heart. All worlds collide for a reason.


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