I am not a young girl who hides behind words and posts to make myself seem more important or intelligent than I really am. I am a woman in her mid thirties still living in a mind built for the 1940s. My soul is old and has been around a long time. My head is less than sane, but my heart works overtime trying to make up for it's detriments.

This blog is not to bring in readers, put my life on display, change lives, nor to create sorrow or pity. Since I was very young, writing has been my saving grace. In the midst of the deepest sadness or despair, my pen and paper were my friends. They enabled me to transfer my feelings onto something tangible. In the past few months, my writing has all but completely stopped. For those who know me well, this is one of the first signs that my ... disorder has taken hold. This blog is my way to try and pull myself back out of the dark hole I tend to hide in.

In reading this, you will find yourself inside my mind. I cannot say it will always be peaceful, beautiful, and bright. You will follow along with me in this journey I call my life. There will be moments where I will discuss Second Life, Real Life, and the two lives combined. The only thing I ask of you, my reader, is that you do not judge, but you read, listen, and find yourself in a world that you have not been before.

I will fill this blog with my writings, my thoughts, my poetry, music that moves me at the moment, and anything else that speaks to me. Perhaps you will find some of this speaks to you ... perhaps not. Either way, welcome to my world, my mind. Mind your step and do not open any doors I have not yet unlocked. It's safer that way.

I bid you welcome,
Crys (aka Kis, Darqueness)

** Please note all my pieces and my pen name are copyrighted. Please do not use any for your own use without written consent. Thank you!


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About My Blog

This is my little corner to share with you whatever I feel at the moment I sit down at my keyboard to write. I simply ask for all to read with an open mind and a gentle heart. All worlds collide for a reason.


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